Heart of Virginia Buy Fresh Buy Local

The Heart of Virginia Buy Fresh Buy Local Chapter highlights and promotes farms and food businesses from eleven counties in Virginia's Southside Region. The Chapter takes its name from Prince Edward County, which is also known as the "Heart of Virginia."
Please take a moment to get to know our members, download our 2019 Food Guide, or utilize the drop-down menu below to find a farm, farmer's market, or food business near you!
Hudson Hens
- 2940 Military Road (Rt. 153), Amelia
- (434) 292-9771
- Selling eggs and baby chicks year round from free range chickens. Owned and operated by the Hudson family - Colby, Dianne and Donnie Hudson.
Rocky Branch Farm
- 23350 Holly Farms Road (Rt. 307), Jetersville
- (804) 317-1314; (804) 561-5649
- Fresh produce, bedding plants, hanging baskets, mums, local grass-fed beef, home-grown pork, brown eggs, homemade jams & Homestead Creamery dairy products. Open Mon-Sat 9-5.
Waterfall Farms
- (804) 852-2464 || waterfallfarms@hotmail.com || Waterfallfarmsva.com
- Quality, flavorful all-natural meat--no added hormones or antibiotics. Sausage (variety of flavors), scrapple, bacon, ribs, pork tenderloin, and whole lambs processed and packaged as desired. We also grow sweet corn, and -coming soon- mushrooms and beef! Sales by appt. or at the Magnolia Green and Chesterfield CH FM.
Woodland Farm
- 9200 S. Amelia Avenue, Amelia
- (804) 931-3565 || grassfedbeef1@gmail.com || www.vagrassfedbeef.com
- Grass-fed beef halves and quarters. Orders can be placed online.
Woods Tree Farm
- 13941 Clementown Road
- woodstreefarmVA@gmail.com || http://woodstreefarm.com
- Christmas trees sold on-site seasonally. See website for details about Spring, Fall and Winter farm events.
Pamplin Depot Community Farmers' Market
- 115 Main Street, Pamplin
- “From our Farms to our Community” Providing farm fresh goodness to promote community wellness. We offer fresh, locally grown produce, pasture raised chicken, beef, and pork, goatmilk soap and goat shares, flowers, baked goods and more. Check Facebook for dates.
Dark Leaf Farm
- 185 DarkLeaf Road, Appomattox
- (434) 607-2611 || jojenki1@vt.edu; brjones@vt.edu
- Pumpkins and blackberries. Availability varies with season; please check Facebook.
Evergreen Lavender Farm
- 7169 Old Evergreen Road, Appomattox
- (434) 352-9562 || www.evergreenlavender.com
- Cut your own lavender, workshops, and Lavender Festival on June 16th. Handcrafted soaps, lotions & sprays available at the farm & at Lynchburg FM. Farm rental for special occasions.
TheFunnyFarm Organically Grown Fruits
- (434) 414-7549 || curad3@earthlink.net
- Wide assortment of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, pastured heritage turkeys, low-sugar jams, herbs, baby ginger & turmeric. Sales by weekly CSA, appt. & at the Pamplin FM. We are hiring interns who want to learn about producing, preparing, and preserving nutrient-rich foods.
Stratmoore Farms
- 275 Woods Edge Lane, Appomattox
- (434) 610-0404 || www.stratmoorefarms.com
- Pastured/non-GMO poultry and pork; free-range eggs; produce. Sales at the Farmville and Drakes Branch FM.
Wilt Family Farms
- 1364 Oakleigh Avenue, Appomattox
- (434) 414-2123 || wiltfamilyfarms@aol.com
- Family owned and operated produce stand offering seasonal vegetables, hay, animal feeds, mulch, topsoil, and fresh eggs. Open Mon-Fri 9-6 & Sat 9-2.
Browntown Farms
- 255 Browntown Road, Warfield
- (804) 704-0675 || browntownfarms@gmail.com
- PYO and we-pick strawberries; spring, summer and fall produce, eggs, preserves, and honey.
Dogwood Grove Greenhouse, LLC
- 370 Meredith Mill Road, Brodnax
- (866) 419-0717; (434) 949-7288
- Small owner-operated farm in business since 2001. Produces pesticide-free greenhouse grown tomatoes, English cukes, and sweet bell peppers from March to July.
Alberta General Store, featuring “Unkol” Chuck’s Brunswick Stew
- 106 W. First Ave, Alberta, VA 23821
- (434) 532-6658; (434) 532-6655 || www.albertageneralstore.com
- Stew cooked in our cast iron kettle, all chicken breast meat, seasoned mild, gluten free, sold frozen in quarts, pints, and cups. Visit website and Facebook for our selling locations. For General Store, call for appt.
Anbriar Rabbitry
- (804) 647-5017 || hcslate@hotmail.com
- Quality rabbit meat available. Occasional availability of stock. Other product availability includes ‘ready to garden’ manure and occasional pelts. Sales by appt.
Crumptown Farm
- (434) 574-2227 || crumptownfarm@gmail.com || www.crumptownfarm.com
- In-season, chemical-free fresh produce. We grow everything we sell. Our farm uses cover crops, organic fertilizers, and is chemical-free. Sales through a CSA, by appt., or at the FM at St. Stephen’s in Richmond.
Charlotte County Farmers' Market at Drakes Branch
- Hwy 47 in Downtown Drakes Branch at Town Pavilion
- Local produce, local meats, baked goods, herbs and herb products. Open May-September 13: Fri 10-4. Check Facebook for additional dates.
Archlynn Farm
- 2129 Hillcross Road, Charlotte Court House
- (434) 664-7123; (434) 391-4754 || archlynnfarm@yahoo.com
- We are a family-owned, no-spray farm offering produce, cut flowers, bedding plants, and PYO strawberries, as well as a weekly delivery CSA. Sales on-farm Mon-Sat 8-5 during strawberry season, by appt, or at Famville, Drakes Branch, and Lynchburg Community FM.
Deb’s Daylilies & More
- 636 Adams Road, Randolph
- (434) 547-6196 || dparsons14@hotmail.com || www.debsdaylilies.com
- Nursery offering field-grown daylilies, plants, shrubs, crafts. Sales online or on-farm, Tues-Fri 10-6 & Sat 9-4.
Goldman Farm
- 2041 Tavo Road, Cullen
- goldmanfarmcullenva@gmail.com
- Wide selection of produce, including select PYO vegetables. Call ahead for on-farm sales, or find us at the Drakes Branch and Downtown Lynchburg FM.
Harvey Oaks Farm
- 5540 Drakes Main Street, Drakes Branch
- (434) 265-1010 || HarveyOaksFarm@gmail.com
- Free-range eggs and seasonal vegetables. Call for availability.
Lamberth & Sons Farm
- (434) 547-8358; (434) 547-5759
- Squash, sweet corn, string beans, cabbage.
Nisani Farm
- (434) 542-4613 || nisanifarm@gmail.com || www.nisanifarm.com
- Certified Naturally Grown ginger, turmeric, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and ginger and turmeric seedings. Sales Sat at the Lynchburg FM. SNAP and Senior Vouchers accepted.
Pamplin Poultry, LLC
- 10885 Thomas Jefferson Hwy, Pamplin
- (434) 808-5693 || pamplinpoultry@gmail.com || Pamplinpoultry.com
- We offer pasture-raised chicken, FRESH weekly. Our menu includes: whole birds, cuts, bone broth, eggs, and chicken sausage that’s made in-house, by us, every week. Sales on-farm and at the Pamplin Community and South of the James FM. Call or check website for hours.
Thankful Acres Family Farm
- 6313 Thomas Jefferson Hwy, Charlotte Court House
- (434) 208-0321 || thankfulacresfarm@gmail.com
- We specialize in growing heirloom vegetables and duck eggs. Sales on-farm Mon-Wed 10-2, by appt., and at the Pamplin Community FM.
Wildwood Berry & Produce
- 6035 Bethlehem Road, Charlotte Court House
- (434) 547-2923
- Blackberries, cucumbers, string beans, corn, blueberries, onions, squash, peppers, butterbeans, and peaches. Sales on-farm by appt. and at the Lynchburg and Charlotte Court House FM.
Cedar Shade Farm, LLC
- ccvaden@yahoo.com || www.cedarshadefarm.com
- We raise Berkshire pigs, Irish Dexter cattle, Cotton Patch Geese, and Pygmy goats. All livestock is registered in their respective breed associations. We sell live animals, pork, and grass-fed beef. Sales on-farm by appt. and online.
Dragonfly Berry Farm
- 1435 Sports Lake Road, Columbia
- (804) 310-8120 || dragonflyfarmveggies@gmail.com
- PYO blueberries and blackberries. Wide assortment of produce and spring bedding plants. Contact us for availability, or buy online through Local Roots.
Downtown South Boston Farmers' Market
- 300 Broad Street, South Boston
- (434) 489-7533 || www.downtownsobo.com
- Locally-grown produce, eggs, meats, cheeses, baked goods and more. Open mid-April-October: Mon-Sat, 7:30am till sold out. SNAP & Senior Vouchers accepted.
Town of Halifax Farmers' Market
- 209 South Main St., Halifax || P.O. Box 627, Halifax
- (424) 476-2343; (434) 222-6604
- townoffice@townofhalifax.com || www.townofhalifax.com
- Fresh produce, pasture-raised meats, farm-fresh eggs, fresh herbs, local arts and crafts, and much more from over 25 local artisans and crafters! Satudays, January-April 9-1 & May-December 8-1. SNAP and Senior Vouchers accepted.
Halifax County-South Boston Visitors Center Gift Shop
- 1180 Bill Tuck Hwy., South Boston
- (434) 572-2543 || shepperd@discoverhalifaxva.com
- The Visitors Center’s Gift Shop is your source for local products. We carry a variety of fresh and packaged products from local farms, including Hunting Creek Vineyards wine, Hudson Heritage Farms meats, Don’s Best Sauce, Cow Creek honey, Red Top honey, Ferdie’s Peanuts. Open Mon-Sat 9:30-5, Sun 12-5.
Boyd Farms
- 4101 Stoney Ridge Rd., Nathalie
- (434) 446-3454 || averyboyd76@gmail.com
- Offering spring, summer, and fall vegetables. Sales on-farm by appt. and at the Halifax FM. SNAP and Senior Vouchers accepted.
Broad Shoulders Farm
- (434) 489-7533 || broadshouldersfarm@gmail.com
- http://www.broadshouldersfarm.com
- Our mission is to grow the cleanest, tastiest, most nutrient-dense food in Southside. Products include colorful, seasonal eggs from heritage and rare breeds of chickens, ducks, and geese; organic baked goods made with local flour; & market garden greens. Sales through a CSA, by appt. & at South Boston FM.
Hudson Heritage Farms, LLC
- 14242 River Road, South Boston
- (434) 753-9327 || hudsonheritage@aol.com
- All natural, chemical free, pasture raised USDA meats: beef, pork, lamb, goat. Our farm specializes in heritage breeds and embraces conservation and sustainable practices. Sales at Halifax FM, Visitors Center, by appt.
Coleman Creek Produce
- 8036 Huell Matthews Hwy, Alton
- (434) 575-1442; (434) 579-1951 (cell)
- Corn, string beans (round and flat), tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, beets, butterbeans, peas and more. Products available at Downtown South Boston FM.
Franchesca’s Dawn Farm
- 2137 Clays Mill Rd., Halifax
- (703) 424-6497 || amie@franchescasdawnfarm.com
- Our farm store has a selection of pastured beef, pork, chicken, lamb, eggs, honey and handmade artisan goods from our & other local farms. Delivery to VA & NC; see our website for current locations and get in touch if you would like delivery elsewhere. Sales online or on-farm Mon-Fri 9-1, Mon & Wed 2-5:30, Sat 10-2.
Paige’s Produce
- 2060 Wolf Trap Road, South Boston
- (434) 470-1611
- Seasonal produce. Sales on-farm Mon-Fri 10-6 and at South Boston FM.
Reese’s Farm Fresh Produce
- 8121 James D. Hagood Hwy., Scottsburg
- (434) 454-6808 || donreese5@yahoo.com
- Produce stand offering asparagus, strawberries, cantaloupe, sweet corn, watermelon, beans, squash, greens, pumpkins, and tomatoes, fresh from our farm. Open March-December, Mon-Fri 9-5:30. Sat 9-5, Sun 1-5. Senior Vouchers accepted.
Misty Meadows, LLC
- (434) 446-3769 || mistymeadowsfarm@live.com || www.mistymeadowsfarmva.com
- Farm and retail products including beef, honey, and hay. Sales at the Danville FM and online. SNAP accepted.
Sapphire Farms, LLC
- 3174 Thompson Store Road, Vernon Hill
- (434) 770-7945 || sapphirefarmsva@gmail.com || www.sappirefarmsva.com
- Family owned and run; offering products without antibiotics, chemicals, GMO’s, Hormones, Pesticides. Grass-fed beef, wood-land pork, free-range chickens & turkeys. Heirloom fruits/vegetables, bread, eggs, raw dairy, & freeze-dried foods. Sales on-farm & at South Boston FM
Thaxton Farm
- 1196 Hunters Ln., South Boston
- (434) 579-1748
- Fresh produce, farm-fresh eggs, baked goods, and pasture-raised, USDA-inspected pork products, including sausage, bacon, and pork chops. Sales the Halifax and South Boston FM. SNAP and Senior Vouchers accepted.
Tuck Farms
- 3050 Wilborn Road, Virgilina
- (434) 585-2838
- Diversified USDA Certified Organic farm selling spring vegetables, vegetable plants and flowers. Sales on-farm March 1st-June 15th: Mon-Fri 2-6pm and at the South Boston FM.
- (434) 222-5090 || sweetshomemadewithlove@gmail.com
- Sweets offers all varieties of baked goods by special order in South Boston and at the Halifax FM.
Kenbridge Farmers' Market
- 533 East Fifth Avenue, Kenbridge || P.O. BOX 478
- (434) 676-2452 || robynfowler@kenbridgeva.net
- Located at the corner of East 5th Avenue and Maple Street. Come treat yourself to fresh, local produce, breads, pies, pickles, jams, etc. and support local farmers, bakers and producers. Open June-October: Saturdays 8:30am-12pm.
Seven Springs Farms, Inc.
- 1949 Gigg Rd., Dundas
- (434) 292-8992 || bunnybuster61@yahoo.com
- Sweet corn and sweet potatoes. Sales at the Cullen and Courtland FM, or contact us on Facebook.
Willowland Farm
- 199 Potts Spring Road, Dundas
- (434) 298-7107
- Strawberries (May), watermelons & sweet corn (July), cantaloupe & honeydew (July-August), tomatoes (Sept-Oct). Open Mon-Fri 6-8pm, Sat in May 9-6pm, Saturdays July-October 2-6pm, Sun 2-6pm. Produce also available at the Kenbridge FM and Thur in Town of Blackstone at the town square.
Whispering Hills Nursery
- 1392 Double Bridges Road, Keysville
- (434) 265-2014
- We grow trees and shrubs, seedling and transplants, ground covers, mums, vegetable plants, and offer landscaping services. Call ahead for hours.
Clarksville’s Farm Fresh MarketPlace
- Corner of 4th and Virginia Avenue (Pocket Park) || P.O. Box 1017
- (434) 374-2436 || Clarksvilleva.com
- Local fresh produce and meats. Every 2nd & 4th Saturday April 27th -October 26th, 9-12:30.
Cooper’s Landing Inn & Traveler’s Tavern
- 801 Virginia Avenue, Clarksville
- (434) 374-2866 || www.cooperslandinginn.net
- Casual Fine Dining at an 1830s Inn with seasonal local foods: Angus meats, fresh seafood, organic vegetables and herbs. Bed & Breakfast, catering, weddings and cooking classes.
DenDi Ranch
- 650 Trottinridge Road, Clarksville
- (434) 374-2998 || dendiranch@kerrlake.com
- Certified Naturally Grown produce raised year-round.Honey, pasture eggs, jams and jellies are also available. Sold at the ranch and Southside Produce Auction. Weekly CSA shares year-round.
A&J Produce
- 111 E. Virginia Avenue, Crewe
- (434) 645-9569
- We specialize in fresh cut meats, farm fresh produce and more. Open Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-6pm, and Sun 9am-4pm.
Blossom Berries Family Farm
- (804) 357-1165
- Specialty cut flower farm in our 10th year serving VA flower lovers, brides, and florists with the finest of fresh cut flowers! We offer a wide array of colorful blooms by the bunch, bucket, or bouquet. Flower subscriptions also available and make the perfect gift. Season begins with Peonies in May.
C & L Farm
- 2112 Poplar Lawn Road, Blackstone
- (804) 704-2540
- Free-range and pasture-fed: beef, lamb, goat, hog, rabbit and eggs (duck and chicken). We are a licensed processing center, health inspected. We also sell honey.
Mardelian Farm
- (804) 536-6860 || Cindy@mardelianfarm.com || Mardelianfarm.com
- Goats’ Milk Skincare. Sales on-farm by appt. and online. Check Facebook to see markets we sell at throughout Virginia and ask about special events.
Redgate Farm, LLC
- (804) 908-0464 || redgateof@gmail.com
- Seasonally grown vegetables using organic practices, brown eggs. Pick-up sites in Blackstone and Richmond.
Windmill Hill Farm & Orchard
- 1553 Orchard Road, Burkeville
- (434) 767-4224
- PYO & pre-picked strawberries, peaches, blackberries and blueberries. Fruit available April through July. Call for availability during season.
Waverly Farms
- 2345 Lewiston Plank Road, Burkeville
- (214) 914-0323 || www.waverlyfarmsvirginia.com
- CSA members enjoy the freshest vegetables and optional organically-fed, free-range eggs and meats (beef, pork, lamb, goat) delivered weekly or bi-weekly to locations in Crewe, Blackstone, Farmville, Burkeville, Rice and Richmond. We also sell individual products through Local Roots Food Co-op.
Whippoorwill Farm
- (434) 394-8736 || whippoorwillfarmcsa@gmail.com || www.whippoorwillcsa.com
- We are a draft horse powered operation that focuses on sustainably grown produce and pastured eggs and meat. Produce, eggs, chicken, and pork available through a CSA or on-farm by appt.
Farmville Community Marketplace
- 213 North Street, Farmville
- Locally-grown fruits and vegetables, meats, baked goods, handcrafted items and more. Open April-October: Saturdays 9am–1pm.
Local Roots Food Co-op
- https://flflr.luluslocalfood.com/
- Online farmers market designed to connect family owned and operated farms & businesses with customers in search of local food year-round. Order pick-up on Thursdays at locations in Farmville and Cumberland.
Abdus-Sabur Homestead
- 3588 Indian Spring Road, Green Bay
- (434) 414-1074; (804) 334-5526
- buylambs@abdus-saburhomestead.com || www.abdus-saburhomestead.com
- We sell farm raised vegetables, eggs, lamb, goats and honey. Mon-Sat 8am-6pm, Sun by appt.
Glascock Orchard
- 869 Old Peachtree Road, Green Bay
- (434) 390-6397 Peaches, apples and blackberries available in season. Call for availability.
Thistledowne Farm
- 824 Buffalo Heights Road, Farmville
- (434) 603-0115 || thistledownefarm@gmail.com
- PYO berries, wholesale ginger, produce, eggs, chicken and plants. The farm hosts the Heart of Virginia FM on Saturdays, and products are available through Local Roots Food Co-op. Senior Vouchers accepted.
Tomten Farm
- 50 Dale Drive, Green Bay
- (434) 392-1896 || www.tomtenfarmva.com
- We produce everything we sell; over 50 specialty vegetable crops grown with organic methods and pasture raised poultry. We offer CSA shares and on-farm pickups. Please call or email to contact us.
Virginia Natural Fish Company
- 22A Milnwood Rd., Farmville
- (434) 414-4620; (434) 315-8813 || vavaquafarmers@gmail.com
- http://virginianaturalfishcompany.com/
- Individually quick-frozen fish fillets--catfish, rainbow, trout, striped bass--and freshwater shrimp tails. Sales in Farmville, Williamsburg, and Clarksville.
The Heart of Virginia Buy Fresh Buy Local Chapter would like to thank its 2019 Sponsors!

The Bank of Charlotte County